SOS Anti-theft (1 of 6) - 5o5.1st

by longor

this is anti-theft apps, or in short: phone locator. use it when your phone gone missing, activated via SMS sent to your phone. Phone's gps and network location will be activated and sent to your email and sms sender phone. There are also rules which applied whenever your phone is rebooted by that son of a bitch. there are total 6 rules which relate to each other. you must download all rules in order to have full function of anti-theft phone locator. after you download all 6 rules, 1. Disable rule 3of6; rule 4of6; and rule 5of6. 2. Edit rule 1of6 action command. Enter rule 3of6; 4of6 and 5of6 in three enable field respectively. 3. Edit rule 2of6: enter your phone email. And target email address 4. Edit rule 3of6: enter your phone email. And target email address 5. Edit rule 5of6: enter your phone email. And target email address 7. Edit rule 6of6: there are 3 'disable' blank fields. put in rule 3of6, 4of6 and 5of6 respectively. Should you have further question, please contact me:

SMS With Text Trigger

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good work my friend but Unfortunately most people downloads lame and rubbish rules like "sexy charging" or ext. i hope they can understand your rules. good luck my friend

by rewerest

finally, all set! enjoy! =)

by longor