Run AutomateIt on Startup

by gl3nnx

To ensure Automateit will run all your triggers the next time you reboot your mobile, why not add it from your startup.

Boot Trigger

Start Application Action


Rated by 11 users

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automatisch ausschalten o.k.

by juerai



in the Automated controls, there is already this option. nevertheless, you can't run this rule, because automate never started.

by marc.gunit


by stevekrahne

unnötig, weil nur anwendbar, wenn App eh gestartet *lol*

by Amweg

Wow people are seriously getting dumber

by stunner237

I think it's nonsense. we can do this motion by setting of this app.

by kouatsutettou

400+ downloads of this? Can someone explain the logic behind the app launching itself or 400 people thinking this even makes sense?

by longhornbob

You do realise that in order to work this rule would require AutomateIt to be already running (so that it could launch itself...), do you?

by supercopter

Thanks, Automateit is always with me

by gl3nnx