Rules by halo2ofdeath
disable power save when in call
a very simple rule that disables the power saver rules I have made while in calls (may need to full in the blanks) also can be used to disable anything that maybe annoying while in calls
quick revision of previous upload. what it does: send your phone a text saying "lost" without the "" and it turns data, and GPS on, then send you a nice message with time, date, address, and a Google maps link to find your phone. but you lost your phone at home?!? well it sets all volumes to MAX and plays a voice message so you can easily locate it.
tired of waking up and finding out that you forgot to plug your phone into the charger the night before, and it's either dead or is nearly dead. well this is the solution, this puts your phone in the absolute most power preserving state possible during the night so when you wake up your battery will be practically where it was before you went to bed
a simple companion for my battery saver screen off rule so it toggles
a nice configuration for while on the go, made for the galaxy s3 but works on any device nicely