Rules by parousia15

Bad weather warning

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Set to go off any day at 9:00 (before I leave for work) AND there is bad weather. Gives you a verbal notification to bring an umbrella.

Cold weather warning

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1 Download

Each day at 9 am AND weather is 50 or below, a verbal warning well tell you to dress warm.

Airplane Mode Disable

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If you lose your phone or if your phone is stolen, this will prevent the user from activating airplane to prevent apps like cerberus from locating and communicating with your phone.

Headphones out (lock, close pocket cast)

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This is the companion rule to my other upload which relocks the lock screen and closes pocket casts.

Headphones in (unlock, pocket cast, volume)

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I listen to a lot of podcasts. This set up (which can be used for any media player) will disabled the lock screen (and turn the screen on) open pocket casts (can change to any media player) and turn the volume up to 100%