This rule will run the memory cleaning application of your choice, 30 seconds after a successful boot
Tether prep
This rule will enable wifi when connected to a PC (Tablet edition)
Church silence
use to activate silence when church services are in progress.
Good morning
TTS is customizable and so is the notification thing
Change settings
When the battery level is reached the setting app will open so you can change settings to prolong the battery life
This rule will alert you to plug in your device
disconnect headphones
detects when headphones are unplugged so it mutes sound so you don't have to. Part of "The Sound Set" part 2
When it detects headphones it will set the sound mode to normal. Part of "The Sound Set" part 1
Quiet on restart or school
when we have to restart your device and can't get to the sound settings fast enough
Plug me in
Reminder to plug in your device
Browser wifi on
When the browser application is activated wifi will turn on
GET UP!!!!!
when you need that extra incentive to get up in the morning
home from school
when you get home from school or work
notifying you of a low battery that needs to be charged
use with device that show a notification when plugging in headphones
Alert on gps
Alert will show if your location is being requested, so you can take approriate action
Sound on
When you plug in headphones for music or such it allows sound
Triggers when you are at school work (times can be adjusted)