Rules by sos

A1. Camera ON in Normal sound mode, set to Vibrate mode

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Once Camera is On, phone will change to vibration mode to suppress shuttle sound. After exiting Camera app, it'll resume to it's original sound mode. Require another rule to resume sound mode "A1. Camera changed Sound, will set to Normal sound mode now"

A1. Camera changed Sound, will set to Normal sound mode now

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This rule should be set to Disabled. It is for activation by another rule "A1. Camera ON in Normal sound mode, set to Vibrate mode"

00. Enable Sound Mode at Home when VIP called

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If you set phone to vib or silent mode at home (for sleep), but don't want to miss a call from VIP, this rule sets sound mode to Normal with an incoming call from selected VIP contact.

01. Set Vibrate mode at home at night


set phone to vibration mode at late night if at home. if rule doesn't work, try enlarge the proximity region.