Rules by Diego_Basurto

De viaje


Pongan la ubicación de casa o trabajo y en cuanto salgan apagara WiFi y prendera gps por si el celular se pierde o te lo roban y poderlo localizar con otra applet como androidlost (esto no ocupa mas batería hasta que se ocupe el gps)

Speaker 1.1


With this rule can activate automatic speaker to get away the phone in a call for 5 seconds and if re-attach the phone to you face for 2 seconds will turn off (requires 2 rules 1.0 and 1.1 speaker installed to work correctly)

Speaker 1.0


With this rule can activate automatic speaker to get away the phone in a call for 5 seconds and if re-attach the phone to you face for 2 seconds will turn off (requires 2 rules 1.0 and 1.1 speaker installed to work correctly)

silence 1.0

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With this rule you can mute a call by simply passing your hand over you phone it will put in silence when it is placed on a table or flat surface face up


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Estando en casa o en el trabajo encender WiFi y apagar datos Bluetooth y gps ya no serán necesarios estas en casa sano y salvo!