Rules by Zeus

01. Desliga dados a noite

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Todos as noites utilizo está regra para gastar menos bateria.

02. Enable Wifi, data and bluetooth at morning or when screen is on at night)

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Enable Wifi, data and bluetooth at morning or when screen is on at night. Use with rule - Save battery at night (disable Wifi, data and bluetooth if screen is off - delayed 15sec)

02. Data on at morning or screen on at night

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Use this to automatically get data on at morning. Use together with my rule 01

01. Save battery at night (disable Wifi, data and bluetooth if screen is off - delayed 15sec) use with rule (enable Wifi, data and bluetooth at morning)

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Save battery at night (disable Wifi, data and bluetooth if screen is off - delayed 15sec) use with rule (enable Wifi, data and bluetooth at morning or when screen is on at night)