Rules by tutotoro

15.2. Call reminder


Goes with the other rules number 15. Now you can get the reminder of your missed calls. In _____ put rule 15.3

15.3. Reminder


15.1 15.3 and 15.4 go together. When you receive a sms this rule beeps every hour to remind you. The remind is cancelled when you open the message app. I tried to do the same in 15.2 with lost calls but can't trigger the cancellation because telephone it's not an app.

15.4. Cancel reminders 2


Goes with the other rules number 15. Now you can get the reminder of your missed calls. This substitutes the other 15.4 rule.

15.1. Sms reminder


15.1 15.3 and 15.4 go together. When you receive a sms this rule beeps every hour to remind you. The remind is cancelled when you open the message app. I tried to do the same in 15.2 with lost calls but can't trigger the cancellation because telephone it's not an app. In ____ put rule 15.3

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